Holding Needles and Yarn

There are many ways to hold the yarn and needles, but there is no one right method. The yarn can be held in either the right or the left hand, the needles can be held from above or below. These two common methods create the same exact end product, but appear quite different, the most obvious difference between the methods is that the yarn is held in the left hand for Continental Method and the right hand for English Method. (See more information about these two methods).
Try each of the methods, they are all bound to feel awkward and slow at first. The best method is simply the one you feel most easy with, the method you most enjoy.

Holding Needles and Yarn for the English Method (yarn in the right hand)
1. Start by running the yarn through your fingers. Wind the working yarn in a loop around your pinky, under your two middle fingers, and over the forefinger of your right hand.

2 . Pick up the needle with the stitches on it in your left hand. Hold the empty needle (called the working needle) in your right hand while keeping the working yarn wound through your fingers to maintain even tension.

Holding Needles and Yarn for the Continental Method (yarn in the left hand)
1. Start by running the yarn through your fingers. Wind the working yarn around the back of your hand, under your pinky and two middle fingers, and over the forefinger of your left hand.

2. Pick up the needle with the stitches on it in your right hand and take it into your left hand, keeping the working yarn wound through your fingers to maintain even tension. Hold the working (empty) needle in your right hand.

Practice the steps and soon you'll be knitting smoothly and rhythmically.

Next Article: The Knit Stitch